Friday, February 11, 2022

bring forth a relationship

So wicked cool…. But I missed the meeting so I only have my checkin, what’s up, solution actions… just mine for me moved to another blog:

Dawn I also told Pages mom about our website. And i-know I need to add every one.
- , 1) Check-in . . . 1.5 minutes for invited participants to share.
Eric: Field of Dreams where things just shows-up to cover whatever is needed.
Steph: new furniture, exploring places to get articles.  It happens to me as I watch my budget and wonder how the cash shows up. New presentation bringing together stronger and more clear. Focused on the present moment, where am I now, what's the next step, new steps inform me now.  How can I contribute to humanity, beyond the status-quo.  "The obstacle is the way"
Judy: Looking for another space, hoping to stay until march.  This happens always to be in the moment and in service for a now. Being more than doing, living like a gypsie. And I just open to the messages, and leaning patients, and you're a divine being. Sitting on the precipice of something new.  Learning to ask, and stay in the moment. 267-443-8100 Lighthouse Sports Center.
2) Next Everyone is Barefoot and Grounded to do Intention Setting from "Judy Prayer”
3) "What's up" - - in BodyWisdom Labs 1.5 minutes for participants to share.
Marty: big week for me, driving to Santa Barbara going to visit Peter.  Met in Boulder AHS, and he's very connected and knows the Ancestor community.  Meet with Judy during the visit.  Wants to get piano and singing together in a bar or place for performing. And want to get into a regular relationship again. 
4) SOLUTION, ACTION THINGS. - - > ASK for what you want, ID Obstacle like Holacracy for tactical focus to ID Tension, and Issue where we all listen share and ID Items. What do you need. . . did you get what you needed. . targeted => and Barbara Sher: 
Need to get into a Courtesan activities to bring forth a relationship . . . 
5) “Only 10 minutes left,” reminder to get finished in time, only 1hr mtg
6) “MEETING DONE,” YES 1.5 minutes Barefoot and grounded ... The Last minute we "Hu" together

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BodyWisdomLabs 1) Check-in . . . 1.5 minutes for participants. 2) Next Everyone gets Barefoot and Grounded to do Intention: "Judy Pray...